Understanding The Difference Between Employee and Independent Contractor
You should get to understand who the employer is as well as the job seeker. This understanding makes it a bit easier to know how to execute the assigned task. Some employers and job seekers do not differentiate between the two which makes it hard to perform the tasks assigned. It is important to find more pages and sites done on these issues to get more understanding. In this site examined these entities to give you adequate understanding. You need the following annual to understand this.
As you get into the industry you need to understand the differences between the employee and the independent contractor. It therefore requires one to understand them before you get in the industry to know the category to land. Read more here about the differences you need to note.
An employee is an individual who works under the supervision of another one called the employer. There is an agreement letter there the employee signs some working hours. The employer also agrees on the rates to pay the employee when normal hours are extended. The independent contractor does not have a specific client but can serve multiple clients outside the business. The independent contractor works on specific tasks which he is hired to perform and he can decide on how to carry it out.
There is employee compensation which may apply to the employee which the independent contractor is not entitled to. An employee is more considered on work compensation especially when terminated from work or even experiences work injuries but the independent contractor is not. The employees have the freedom to join any employees union to have their demands and interests attended to. The independent contractor does not have a union to join but rather works independently. This is a crucial difference to note to avoid crossing the line between one another.
The employees are more protected in their work which denies them the freedom to decide. The independent contractor has the freedom to decide when to take up the task as well as how to execute it provided he accomplishes it. The contractor also has the freedom to state the rates of his work as well as the working workings to execute the task. The employee may take it or leave it depending on the offer of the employer.
Also consider getting a link to other articles done on the same to understand more about this. Click on the details and learn more about the differences as well as where you fit as a job seeker and who to go for as an employer. Find out more about the articles which have been written on these to clearly understand the differences.
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