Crucial Insights that Every Christian Believer Should Know

Believers who believe in Jesus Christ are more than those who believe in Islam. It started in Israel about two thousand years ago. He was a child that was born into a Jewish family who has religious roots in Judaism.

Most people celebrate in the world remember the birth of Jesus every year. Bible scholars are of the view that the Romans picked this date to coincide with their festivals in December and it is not the actual time for Christs birth.

Christ came into the world as God incarnate. Jesus came with a definite goal. God has a desire to reconcile with man through the forgiveness of sins. Sacrificing animals was a practice that was done many times many years to atone for the sins of man. God had a plan to wipe away the sins of man completely. Though he has one son, God freely gave him up to die on behalf of humanity. One must acknowledge that he is a sinner. Thus, one must rely on Jesus to cleanse his sins and present him before God as people dont have the ability to cleanse their sins through their actions. Christians believe that once they accept salvation through Jesus Christ, they become sons of God.

Christians dont have to pass through an intermediary to fellowship with their father in heaven as Christ through the Holy Spirit enables them talk to God directly. Thus, believers are encouraged to persevere difficult circumstances in order to become more like Christ. Love is a paramount ingredient in Christian belief.

Some people have weekday fellowships but most people to church on every seventh day of the week. Attending church service is an important aspect in Christian faith. It is a refueling center where Christians go every week to receive spiritual nourishment and exhortations which help them to live healthily. Christians gather in churches which have different doctrines through the bible is their primary reference with Christ being the center of their belief.

Jesus appointed twelve disciples who followed him everywhere he went. Judas was a corrupt disciple of Jesus. This led him to satisfy his insatiable selfish desire for money by selling his master for a few coins. Though Jesus was innocent these malicious Jews insisted that he be crucified on a cross and a notorious robber be released from prison in exchange even though he had committed no crime.

Those who confessed their faith in Christ were inhumanely tortured. Despite these persecutions, the church grew, and they believed God even more. Just like early days of Christianity believers are even now going through persecution in several parts of the globe on account of their faith. It is sad to learn that China has had one of the worst treatment for Christians though more people are becoming Christians. Christians in China are many that all the believers found in European nations.

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